A Call to Farm

Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (I Corinthians 10:31).

Almost twenty years ago the Lord called my business partner and I to full time care for the elderly. He has proven His faithfulness in that, what He calls us to, He will see us through. Over the years He has provided everything we have needed to carry out His purpose for our life, equipping us to do it to the best of our ability. Even so, unless we had put our hand to the task, it would be nothing more than vanity.

Let’s consider a farmer for example, equipped with a field, tractor, seeds, and ideal growing conditions. While everything sits in his favor, he doesn’t invest his time, failing to go through the plowing, cultivating and planting process. Come harvesting season, his lack of personal motivation and effort become obvious by his lack of fruit.

Not everyone can joyfully attest to getting up each day and loving what they do for a living. The Lord has, without a doubt, abundantly blessed our ministry here at Vintage Hill. That said, as with our spiritual walk, we are in a partnership with Him. Without proper focus on Who we serve (first and foremost) and the consistent efforts of every team member, we would be nothing more than another assisted living statistic.


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