Overwhelmed With Gratitude

Community. It is more than just a place. Community is about relationships. It is where we live, love, laugh and cry…together. Community is essential to the well-being of its inhabitants. My immediate community is Vintage Hill (assisted living home for the elderly), which happens to be nestled in the larger community of Pittsfield NH.

As we successfully come through the other side of our very first Autumn Craft Fair, we are overwhelmed with gratitude.  First and foremost, we praise the Lord for His blessings. Next, our residents and staff are worthy of recognition as they worked tirelessly to open our home to the “community” for this event. Vintage Hill net $150 on items handcrafted by the residents, proceeds to benefit the Pittsfield Secret Santa Program. Then there are the numerous vendors (of which, without them there would have been no craft fair) and the amazing talents, gifts, and services they exhibited. Finally, we marvel at the community support, spirit and fellowship enjoyed throughout the day. Thank you to all of you who made this event the success that it was!





“See You at the Fay-yah” by Marilyn Roberts

In the past few days, we have seen a flurry of activity taking place at Vintage Hill, LLC as all involved parties work on the Autumn Craft Fair 2022 “punch list.” Finishing touches on the residents’ sale craft items are almost complete. Homemade herbs, rubs and garden goodies are being processed and packaged to be made available for sale. Freshening up painted trim on the inside and outside of the house is evidenced by brushes, paint cans and step ladders. Wonderful aromas waft from the kitchen as treats and snacks are prepared special for the event.

When driving around Pittsfield and surrounding communities, you will be seeing our announcement flyers and signs going up. I hope they don’t interfere with the political signs, and vice versa.

Using the words from that well-known voice in Deerfield – See you at the Fay-yah! September 17th, 10am – 3pm, 10 Berry Avenue, Pittsfield NH.
