With the Ancient is Wisdom

Wisdom is with aged men, and with length of days, understanding.” Job 12:12

Wisdom (generally defined) is the soundness of an action or decision with regard to the application of experience, knowledge, and good judgment. According to the Holy Bible, such wisdom and understanding comes solely from God. Why? Because discernment and good judgment can be measured only by absolute truth, the Word of God. Job unapologetically defends this gospel truth about his Creator (Job 12). In God’s unsearchable wisdom and omnipotent power, He allows men to obtain wisdom and understanding. It is found “with the ancient” who have lost their physical strength but are blessed “with length of days” and life experience. What a status to obtain, one to be admired!

The grey hair is “a crown of glory” to those who walk in righteousness (Proverbs 16:31). God has compassion and purpose for the elderly, promising to be with them to the very end. He has called us to care for them with the respect and honor they have earned.  “You shall rise before the gray headed and honor the presence of an old man, and fear your God: I am the Lord” (Leviticus 19:32). We consider it a privilege to obediently rise to the occasion!


Respite for the Caregiver

Honor your father and your mother” (Exodus 20:12) is a lifelong standard set by the Lord. This command requires great discipline. From early childhood we learn that there are consequences when we don’t listen to dad and mom, and so we submit to their authority. As we mature into grown-ups, honor takes on a new look. Caring for our elders becomes the responsibility of every adult child. This worthy endeavor comes in a plethora of care packages.

The most common approach is to welcome them into our home. We may move them into an in-law suite or simply rearrange our own living space to accommodate. Either way, it is an honorable and loving thing to do. Now, for the disclosure.

Serving as a primary caregiver is a demanding role. Fatigue easily sets in. Personal responsibilities and obligations get put on hold.  Burnout becomes inevitable. So, what is the solution?

Respite care providers offer temporary overnight services in a residential care environment. Although support in activities of daily living may vary between facilities, it generally includes meals, medication supervision, hygiene support, and assistance with household tasks. This provides the caregiver with some much needed physical and emotional relief yet allows them to maintain confidence their loved ones are well cared for.

For more information on respite care and availability, visit www.vintagehill.net.
